New contest: Theresa Romain's Holiday Pleasures series

ETA: This contest is now closed. Bonnie won the books!

Hi everyone! The contest this time is really special. The fourth and final book in Theresa Romain’s Holiday Pleasures series is coming out in a couple of weeks (Season for Desire, I’ve read it, it’s awesome, you can read my goodreads rec here, and to celebrate, I’m giving away the first THREE books in the series. Not only that, but since Theresa was my roommate at RWA14, I was able to give her the books to sign and ship, which means she will personalize them for you!


Season-for-Temptation-634x1024Season for Temptation. This book absolutely floored me when it came out, and I think it’s still one of the funniest, freshest historicals I’ve ever read.



Julia Herington is overjoyed when her stepsister, Louisa, becomes engaged—to a viscount, no less. Louisa’s only hesitation is living a life under the ton’s critical gaze. But with his wry wit and unconventional ideas, Julia feels James is perfect for Louisa. She can only hope to find a man like him for herself. Exactly like him, in fact…


As the new Viscount Matheson, James wished to marry quickly and secure his title. Kind, intelligent Louisa seemed a suitable bride…Until he met her stepsister. Julia is impetuous—and irresistible. Pledged to one sister, yet captivated by another, what is he to do? As Christmas and the whirl of the London season approach, James may be caught in a most scandalous conundrum, one that only true love, a bit of spiritous punch—and a twist of fate—will solve…


Season-for-Surrender-186x300Season for Surrender might be my favorite book in the series. Xavier just puts so much excruciating effort into his effortless persona, it’s heartbreaking.



Alexander Edgware, Lord Xavier, has quite a reputation—for daring, wagering, and wickedness in all its delightful forms. But the wager before him is hardly his preferred sport: Xavier must persuade a proper young lady to attend his famously naughty Christmas house party—and stay the full, ruinous two weeks. Worse, the lady is Louisa Oliver, a doe-eyed bookworm Xavier finds quite charming. Yet to refuse the challenge is impossible—he will simply have to appoint himself Miss Oliver’s protector…


Louisa knows her chance for a husband has passed. But she has no desire to retire into spinsterhood without enjoying a few grand adventures first. When Lord Xavier’s invitation arrives, Louisa is more intrigued than insulted. And once inside the rogues’ gallery, she just may have a thing or two to teach her gentlemen friends about daring…


Season-for-Scandal-183x300Season for Scandal. Edmund has a secret, a dark secret in his past. He’s done something terrible, for which he can never forgive himself. His response? To make up for it by being really sweet and polite to everyone he meets. Yes, this man’s dark past has made him a compulsive sweetheart. Great trope subversion, or THE GREATEST?



Jane Tindall has never had money of her own or exceptional beauty. Her gifts are more subtle: a mind like an abacus, a talent for play-acting—and a daring taste for gambling. But all the daring in the world can’t help with the cards fixed against her. And when Edmund Ware, Baron Kirkpatrick, unwittingly spoils her chance to win a fortune, her reputation is ruined too. Or so she thinks, until he suggests a surprising mode of escape: a hasty marriage. To him. On the surface, their wedding would seem to satisfy all the demands of proper society, but as the Yuletide approaches, secrets and scandals turn this proper marriage into a very improper affair.


Just comment on this post to enter. (And if you’d like to be alerted when a new contest goes up, I recommend signing up for my newsletter.)

US and Canada only.

69 thoughts on “New contest: Theresa Romain's Holiday Pleasures series”

  1. Love all of T. Romain’s books. Glad but not surprised that your review of the latest is so positive. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Not only do I enjoy Theresa’s books, she’s a wonderful person, too! Can’t believe that she ALWAYS replies to any comments made on her facebook page! That’s awesome! She writes a pretty good story, too! Would love to get these since I’ve not yet read them. Thanks for the contest!!!

  3. I love the way Theresa interacts with all of her fans and her posts are just the thing to brighten up the day and get you talking. You won’t be able to put her books down once opened with the witty banter, plots, and romance to keep you in the world that is hers. Keep up the good work Theresa in both your work and with your fans!

    1. Yes!! She is soooo good at combining humor and deep emotion…it never feels jarring and each intensifies the other.

    1. At one time I had all of her books. Due to unforseen things, I no longer have them. I am just getting to be able to get all of my books back. It is a slow process but IF I did win that would help me out. I had over 3000 books and her’s were one that I have read a few times along with a few other authors. Thank you for the change to win them. I know this book will be on my list to get and I will get it.

      1. Oh no! That sounds traumatic. I lost all my music at one point in college and I KNOW there are songs I’ll never have again because I don’t even remember what they were and they were probably awesome! Good luck in the drawing. 🙂

  4. I love books that have been authorgraphed by the author, it’s like a treat that was given with love =D Thank you Rose for the chance!!!

  5. I am sure you had fun at RTW being roommates with Theresa. I would love to win. Thank you for having this giveaway.

    1. Rooming with Theresa was definitely one of the highlights of the conference! There was a lot of giggling as you can imagine. 🙂

  6. I’ve not read this series but would like too. I will be adding them to my “to be read” list. Thank you for this great opportunity and introducing me to some new books and a new author!

  7. Looking forward to reading this series! And did you and Theresa have any stories to tell about being roomies at RWA14? 😉

    1. I think Theresa covered the highlights…although those blue margaritas to represent Romulan ale were delicious too! If you check out our facebook photos there are some pictures too. Good luck in the drawing!

  8. Hi, everyone–I’m so glad you’ve all stopped by! Rose, thank you so very, very much for hosting this giveaway. You’re just the kindest.
    I’ve been shy about commenting, because I didn’t want to crash a truly lovely reader party–plus I’ve already read these books, like, a million times each, so I don’t need to enter the giveaway. 🙂 But I’m just so grateful to everyone who has stopped by that I wanted to say thanks. (Thanks!)
    And Ada, I don’t know that Rose and I have any super-shocking stories–except maybe for the time our smoke alarm malfunctioned and we trucked out into the hallway in our PJs at an ungodly hour of the night! But we sure did laugh a lot. One evening we wound up playing “replace any word in a book title with bacon,” which is always fun but even more fun if you’re really tired and punchy. Rose’s A LILY AMONG THORNS became A LILY AMONG BACON, which–look closely!–inspired this amazing bacon-themed gown:

  9. I would love, love, love to have a chance to read this series! Thanks for the fun post and giveaway! Congrats to both ladies on your books 🙂

  10. Hi Rose!
    After your review on Goodreads I hope that Theresa’s publisher has a lot of copies of Season for Desire in stock! Luckily for those of us with a Kindle or other e-reader won’t have that to worry about!
    Since I love all of Theresa’s books that I’m prejudiced but I think that her Holiday Pleasures series is my favorite of all her books!
    I’ve already read her first two books in the series but both of my daughter-in-laws are fighting over who should get them to read next! Since I have a Kindle I’d love to win this contest before they decide to sneak my Kindle to read her first three books in the series!

    1. Hopefully they will have to go into a second printing! 🙂 Which is your favorite in the series? I think mine is SURRENDER…

      1. Hi Rose!
        My favorite was Season for Temptation because it was so much fun to read (and of course because I loved it so much I just had to read the following books as well!).
        I’ve found that when I read the first book in one of Theresa’s series I can’t resist buying them all!
        PS: I loved your books In For A Penny and A Lily Among Thorns but wish we didn’t have to wait until January for Pretenses to be released!

  11. I have the 1st release on kindle and would love to have the tro for my bookcase. LOVE this genre and appreciate the opportunity to win some from one of my favs.

  12. I have read four of Theresa Romain’s books and enjoyed them all. I especially love holiday stories. I reread favorites every year and listen to those special Christmas audio books every year. 🙂

  13. I love the covers on these books…I would read them just from looking at the covers…but the blurb helped me to decide to for sure read them.

  14. I haven’t read her books, but this would be a good way to get me started I think. 🙂 Regencies are my fav genre and I like humor in my stories so these sound great.

  15. So good to hear from you via email, Rose, and am heading over to purchase “A Lilly Among Thorns.” Always looking for a good read. Your newsletter is appreciated! As are you! Hope you have a satisfying productive month with lots of snippets of joy! I wont be able to attend ECWC this year! Sniffle. I spent all my “writing” money on a research trip to Scotland in September. But will be with you all in spirit! Marion Spic her

  16. So good to hear from you via email, Rose, and am heading over to purchase “A Lilly Among Thorns.” Always looking for a good read. Your newsletter is appreciated! As are you! Hope you have a satisfying productive month with lots of snippets of joy! I wont be able to attend ECWC this year! Sniffle. I spent all my “writing” money on a research trip to Scotland in September. But will be with you all in spirit! Marion Spicher

  17. :::waving::: Hi Rose!
    I think I should win because I love Historical Romance, I’m a breast cancer survivor, and my wedding Anniversary was yesterday. Wear something pink in October for Breast Cancer Awareness, folks!! One of my favorite things to wear is a bracelet that says CANCER SUCKS.
    Theresa’s books appeal to me immensely and it would be awesome to win them. Happy Halloween! All kinds of goodies in October….

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