New contest: [REDACTED]'s "Conspiracy Friends: Vol. 1"

ETA: This contest is now closed. DebraG won the book!

This month I’m giving away a signed, limited-edition-hardcover copy of Matt Youngmark’s Conspiracy Friends, Volume 1: Clandestine Maneuvers in the Dark.

Conspiracy Friends is one of my favorite webcomics, about friends who investigate conspiracies together!

In Volume 1 you get to see it all from the beginning, as Tim tries to start a Conspiracy Club, but that doesn’t work out, but he DOES meet Wendigo Penelope, maybe the coolest person ever? I love Tim and Wendigo Penelope SO MUCH. I kind of ship it, honestly, although Wendigo Penelope has said she isn’t interested and I respect that.

You can also read the comic online here (or start from the beginning).

Full disclosure: Matt is a friend of mine and the designer of my stylish “The butler did her!” buttons. (He’s also running a kickstarter right now for Volume 3: Hot Vatican Nights, so if this seems like your thing, pledge today! 🙂

Pictured: Spokesmodel T-Rex (not included) investigates in a mysterious forest that does not look AT ALL like British Columbia! Image Credit: “The Glad Confusion of the Riotous Woods” by Rosetti Photographic Studios, 1912, via Wikimedia Commons.

Included with the book are: 5×7 tie-in print of the Loch Ness monster subtitled “COME AT ME BRO”, set of character buttons, and one of my own Listen to the Moon buttons!

51bOIqCM1FL._SX490_BO1,204,203,200_All Tim wants is to find friends among like-minded conspiracy enthusiasts. But when Wendigo Penelope shows up at Conspiracy Club, the black helicopters follow, and they soon find themselves on the run from shadowy forces they can’t begin to comprehend. Along with semi-competent CIA operative Steve and beleaguered newspaper intern Marcie, Wendigo and Tim will have to unravel a web of intrigue that leads them deeper and deeper into the belly of the beast (which is a pretty mixed metaphor, but trust us, that’s the least of their problems). CLANDESTINE MANEUVERS IN THE DARK collects the first six chapters of the Conspiracy Friends webcomic, and includes a 5-page bonus story available exclusively in this book.

Contest rules:

1. Comment on this post to enter.
2. The winner will be chosen at random using
3. US and Canada only.
4. Open for entries through November 23rd, 2015.
5. I got this book during a previous kickstarter. Matt isn’t involved in the giveaway.

If you’d like to be alerted when new contests go up, you can sign up for my newsletter.

Good luck!

8 thoughts on “New contest: [REDACTED]'s "Conspiracy Friends: Vol. 1"”

  1. Oooh, I love conspiracy stuff, so I would love to win. Bonus: I don’t need the conspiracies to be real to enjoy them. In fact, real conspiracy theories that turn out to be true are depressing and make me hate humanity, but outlandish conspiracy theories that are obviously false are fun and make me love people again.

    1. Heh, I think I tend to enjoy true historical conspiracy theories, but not so much true modern ones. Because…as you say, it’s depressing. There are really so many conspiracies out there, many of them in plain sight. You know what I really miss, though? The Weekly World News! It was my absolute favorite thing to read in line at the grocery store, and now all there is is mean-spirited fake celebrity gossip.
      Good luck in the drawing!

  2. Sounds excellent, Rose. It’s this kind of book that appeals to me greatly. I was in Inverness Scotland in 2010. Didn’t see the Loch Ness Monster. 🙂 Happy Turkey Day!

    1. We drove by Loch Ness on our way to Edinburgh a few years ago, and I didn’t spot the monster either! I did see a lot of merchandise tho…;) Good luck in the drawing!

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