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Tie-in short story

The True Pretenses mini-stories are collected here. A list of what you’ll find:
- Little Rafe and Ash backstory fic. (More details would spoil the book.)
- Ash tries to explain the timing of Lent and Easter to little Rafe.
- Little Rafe and Ash celebrate Passover.
- Little Ash and Rafe celebrate Purim.
- Little Jamie and Serena have a playdate (a crossover with A Lily Among Thorns).
- Ash mysteriously disappears and teenaged Rafe is worried.
- Imogen Makepeace shopping for dresses.
- Rafe off-page during the action of True Pretenses.
- Jamie tries to explain to Rafe where the town’s name comes from.
- Jamie POV, Rafe has come to Wheatcroft for the sheep-shearing.
- Dot Wrenn and Abby Gower go to IKEA.
- Ash and Lydia get mysteriously transported to the present day.
Deleted scenes

Deleted Scene #1. One of Mr. Gilchrist’s scenes belonged to Mr. Jessop in the first draft.
Deleted Scene #2. [cw: mentions of child abuse] A very short one. Originally, when Lydia asked Ash if he believed in God, he answered her.
Deleted Scene #3. Ash sneaks through Lydia’s window in the dead of night. Rated NC-17. I am very fond of this scene, but it just took up too much space, and a friend convinced me that the country is much, much darker at night than I can imagine.
Deleted Scene #4. A follow-up to scene #3 from later in the book.

“A cover for non-devotional activity”—box pews. You may remember Lydia had some youthful fantasies about these.
Jewish peddlers
Town jails, including the one I based Kellisgywnhogh on. With some bonus stuff about a really meaty political feud.
Regency greenhouses
More on Regency greenhouses
Jamie’s cactuses
“Getting your money at the best”—Regency criminal slang, part 1 of 2
“Oliver is in town”—Regency criminal slang, part 2 of 2
Regency mourning jewelry
A Jewish member of the Carlton House set
“Never enough brandy”—Stir-up Sunday and Christmas puddings
The Great Synagogue, London
The original of one of Lydia’s family anecdotes
“Where they lived in an expensive manner”—Sarah Boxall, a real-life Regency con woman
“Low gamblers, ring droppers, sharpers and thieves of every description”—Regency con games
Pinterest boards

Reference images
Lively St. Lemeston
Blog tour

Smexy Books – Interview with Mandi about writing a shleppy hero, cross-class and cross-cultural romance, and more.
History Hoydens – Unveiling the academic cover for True Pretenses and taking requests from commenters.
Happy Ever After – Zoe Archer, Elizabeth Boyle, Louisa Edwards and I share our favorite con artist romances of page and screen.
Theresa Romain and I did a two-part chat/mutual interview in which we talk about everything from character casting to mall singers to “manflirting” as an aristocratic cultural marker – part 1 at her blog – part 2 at mine.
Romance at Random – the inspiration for True Pretenses and the difference between a romance and a tragedy.
Heroes & Heartbreakers – con artist myth vs. reality. SPOILER: You CAN con an honest man.
Angieville – Q&A – favorite fictional heroes, the word association game, and more.
Smitten by Books – my favorite marriage of convenience romances.
The Romance Dish – Q&A – conflict, time travel bodyswap, lucky New Year’s foods and more.
Risky Regencies – Q&A – research, TV, the etymology of “swindler” and more.
All About Romance – anti-Semitism and intermarriage in the Regency.
bookworm2bookworm – how romance novels model breaking out of entrenched emotional patterns.

I made in-character tumblrs for some of the characters and businesses from Lively St. Lemeston:
Nick Dymond: @childe-nicholas
Phoebe Sparks: @phoebesparks-authoress
Helen Knight: @fashion-saucer
The Honey Moon: @honeymoonconfectionery
The Intelligencer: @lstl-intelligencer
Ash and Lydia: @the-greatest-of-these

“When did you last led your heart decide?”, an Ash/Lydia playlist.

(True Pretenses main page)