New contest: "In for a Penny" paperback!

ETA: This contest is closed. Karin won the book!

Hey all! I realized I never properly celebrated In for a Penny‘s paperback release…so, I’m giving away a signed personalized copy.

t-rex leaning out of an old penny to offer you the book

Regency penny photo credit: Detecting via Wikimedia Commons.

If you haven’t read it, this was my first book, and some people liked it!

In for a Penny is a charming and original Regency that will make you wish a man like Nev would stroll through your front door.” —Eloisa James for the Barnes & Noble Review.

“Georgette Heyer watch out! With believable characters and a keen eye for period detail, Rose Lerner serves up a sprightly and splendid take on the classic marriage of convenience plot. Not to be missed by fans of the Regency romance.” —Lauren Willig, NYT Bestselling Author

“It basically restored my faith in Historical Romance…I loved this novel so much and can’t wait to read more from Rose Lerner—I welcome the author to the genre with open arms. More please!” —Ana, The Book Smugglers.

And maybe my very favorite review ever:

“[A] Georgette Heyer style historical romance but with sex & explicit fellatio…” —seton, Goodreads.

(Moar reviews here)

InForAPenny500The back-cover copy:

Lord Nevinstoke revels in acting the young wastrel, until his father is killed in a drunken duel. Never one to do anything halfway, Nev throws off his wild ways to shoulder a mountain of responsibility—and debt—vowing to marry a rich girl and act the respectable lord of the manor. Manufacturing heiress Penelope Brown seems the perfect choice for a wife. She’s pretty, proper, and looking for a husband.

Determined to rise above her common birth, Penelope prides herself on her impeccable behavior and good sense. Grand Passion? Vulgar and melodramatic. Yes, agreeing to marry Nev was a rare moment of impulse, yet she’s sure they can build a good marriage based on companionship and mutual esteem.

But when they arrive at the manor, they’re overwhelmed with half-starved tenants, a menacing neighbor, and the family propensity for scandal. As the situation deteriorates, the newlyweds have nowhere to turn but to each other. To Penelope’s surprise, she begins to fervently hope that her first taste of Grand Passion in her husband’s arms won’t be her last.

Read the first chapter or buy the book here. The paperback links aren’t up yet there though! (They will be soon.) So here they are:

amazon · amazon uk · amazon ca
samhain · b&n · powell’s
book depository

Contest rules:

1. Comment on this post to enter.
2. The winner will be chosen at random using
3. US and Canada only.
4. Open for entries through August 15th, 2015.

If you’d like to be alerted when new contests go up, you can sign up for my newsletter.

Good luck!

37 thoughts on “New contest: "In for a Penny" paperback!”

    1. Thank you!! Yeah, I think my background in a union family is probably pretty obvious reading this book…

      1. Have yet to read a book of yours on paper… the three I read were all bought for the Kindle 😮 but… this can get remedied next week, I guess 😀 Love the new sunny cover and love the story! Penelope and Nev have both so, so much to learn and following their journey is quite suspenseful at times but most definitely very enjoyable…

    1. Eloquence is never a requirement! As Billy Joel says, “I don’t want clever conversation, I never want to work that hard…” 😀 Welcome, and good luck.

  1. I loved this book, and I have both of the ebook versions (the original and the revised). I’m entering because I love the beautiful cover, and because the story is special enough that I’m willing to make space on my crowded bookshelves for it!

  2. I love reading these kinds of stories. I have yet to read a book by this author so would welcome the chance to do so.

  3. congrats, Rose, on your books! I desperately want to read this one 🙂 thanks for the awesome giveaway!

    1. Thanks! Good luck in the drawing. 🙂 (This is also one that’s in a lot of libraries, btw, especially in the US, because it got a good review in Booklist when it first came out. So it’s worth checking if your local library might have a paperback copy! No shiny new cover, but it’s almost exactly the same on the inside.)

  4. Such a pretty new cover! *heart eyes* The blurb has me so excited to read it! Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂

  5. The excerpt did it for me. I’m definitely looking forward to reading In For A Penny. Thank you for the giveaway.
    Carol L

  6. I swapped away my original copy of “In For A Penny” and now I wish I had it back to reread! It was a delight. I loved that the hero was young and unsure of himself, and both he and the heroine were just trying to find their way, it put the two of them on a more equal plane. And there was a secondary romance too, iirc.

    1. Aw, thanks! That was definitely my goal, to do the Cit wife without having it all be about how she felt unworthy of him. So I’m glad it worked! Good luck in the drawing. 🙂

  7. Oh my, Rose! You had me at “explicit fellatio”. LOL!
    My birthday is Aug. 11. PENNY would be a great gift. Hope you’re enjoying summer. I’m so ready for fall. I’m melting in FL. HUGS!! xxxx

    1. Do you have AC? On the one hand I’d way rather be here than in Florida, on the other hand, NOPLACE is airconditioned except the movie theater! I have been to quite a few movies recently…

  8. Rose, I love the cover on your book. I have never read this one, it looks to be a scintillating read. I also love your spokesmodel, he’s super cute.

    1. Thank you!! I absolutely love my new cover. I love T-Rex too, he is so snuggly and round! Definitely better in the winter tho, right now it’s a little too sweltering to hug him. 🙂

  9. Have yet to read a book of yours on paper… the three I read were all bought for the Kindle 😮 but… this can get remedied next week, I guess 😀 Love the new sunny cover and love the story! Penelope and Nev have both so, so much to learn and following their journey is quite suspenseful at times but most definitely very enjoyable…

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